Actor John Larroquette got paid in weed to narrate Texas Chain Saw Massacre

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Future Night Court star John Larroquette would get paid in cannabis for the opening narration in the slasher film, 1974’s The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. But it is likely with The Texas Chain Saw Massacre that Hooper, who died in 2017 at the age of 74, will be most remembered. It was a mutually beneficial option for a guy with a great voice and a movie director awaiting a breakout hit. Hooper “gave me some marijuana or a matchbox or whatever you called it in those days. Laroquette, 75, who kicked off his fledgling acting career in Los Angeles a few years after meeting Hooper, is a five-time, Emmy Award winner.

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It was a mutually beneficial option for a guy with a great voice and a movie director awaiting a breakout hit. Future Night Court star John Larroquette would get paid in cannabis for the opening narration in the slasher film, 1974’s The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.

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