Almost-octogenarian Michael Douglas apparently still enjoys a bit of bud

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As he recalls, DeVito said, “‘You get high?’ We were both 1967 potheads, so we smoked a joint and that was a beginning of a long, long friendship.” Romancing the stoned! Douglas is no stranger to either Santa Barbara, having earned a bachelor’s degree in dramatic art from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 1968, or cannabis. There was likely no age-gating required for two-time Academy Award winner Michael Douglas, who was spotted this week coming out of a pot shop in Santa Barbara, Calif. Michael Douglas, 78, shops at cannabis dispensary in Santa Barbara – Daily Mail — João Costa (@MrCostaJoao) January 19, 2023 Years later, in 2021, Douglas backtracked on his earlier stance pointing his finger at his prodigious pot use for being linked to his not-so-great, short-term memory. But I’ve got some friends who’ve been smoking as long as I have and have fabulous memories, so I don’t think that’s the issue.

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There was likely no age-gating required for two-time Academy Award winner Michael Douglas, who was spotted this week coming out of a pot shop in Santa Barbara, Calif.

The 78-year-old star of iconic films like The China Syndrome, Fatal Attraction, Wall Street and Romancing the Stone was seen leaving the Coastal Premium Cannabis Dispensary packing a small black bag of presumed goodies, according...

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