Analysis: Adult-Use Cannabis Leads to Economic Improvements, More Jobs

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Opponents of recreational cannabis legalization have argued that increased cannabis use could diminish motivation, impede cognitive function and harm health, ultimately affecting the economic wellbeing of adults. Instead, this analysis explored broader economic trends following recreational cannabis legalization. However, an analysis published by the National Bureau of Economic Research finds the opposite is true: Legalization of adult-use cannabis is actually associated with economic improvements and increased job opportunities. Previous studies have confirmed an association between recreational cannabis laws and increased employment levels among older adults. One 2022 study concluded cannabis use has no effect on motivation, though a 2016 study suggested improved performance and cognitive function for cannabis users.

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Opponents of recreational cannabis legalization have argued that increased cannabis use could diminish motivation, impede cognitive function and harm health, ultimately affecting the economic wellbeing of adults. However, an analysis published by the National Bureau of Economic Research finds the opposite is true: Legalization of adult-use cannabis is actually associated with economic improvements and increased job opportunities.

Researchers at San Diego State University and Bentley University performed the study, which they said is the first to explore the impacts of...

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