Cannabis Tax Revenue Provides $31 Million to Arizona Community Colleges

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Overall, Arizona residents spent $1.4 billion on recreational cannabis in 2021, according to the Arizona Department of Revenue, with approximately $650 million in cannabis recreational sales revenue. Ten community colleges in Arizona have recently received $31 million in funds from recreational cannabis taxes, the Associated Press reports. Arizona’s recreational cannabis law states that one-third of the 16 percent excise tax will be set aside for community colleges every year. Then in December 2021, Arizona collected $63.8 million in recreational sales, compared to $53.5 million in medical cannabis sales. In November 2021, recreational sales tax just barely managed to surpass medical sales tax, with $61.6 recreational and $61.4 medical.

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Ten community colleges in Arizona have recently received $31 million in funds from recreational cannabis taxes, the Associated Press reports. Arizona’s recreational cannabis law states that one-third of the 16 percent excise tax will be set aside for community colleges every year. Each college may use the funds to support “workforce development, STEM and certain other education programs.” The rest of the tax funds are earmarked for public safety, transportation and criminal justice.

Cochise College received $2 million and...

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