Colombia Senate Rejects Cannabis Legalization Bill

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However, since the cannabis legalization bill did not pass in this debate, legislators will have to start over in the next attempt. On June 20, the Senate in Colombia officially rejected a measure that would have allowed recreational cannabis sales. This is the first time that a cannabis legalization initiative has reached the eighth session of debate. In order to modify the Colombia constitution, a bill must pass in four debates in the Senate and four debates in the House of Representatives. In July 2021, former Colombia President Ivan Duque approved efforts for legal sales and global export of dried cannabis flower.

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On June 20, the Senate in Colombia officially rejected a measure that would have allowed recreational cannabis sales. With a 43 to 47 vote, the bill failed to pass with the necessary 54 votes that would have enabled it to pass through its eighth and final debate.

According to Sen. Juan Carlos Losada, the progress seen with this bill is not the end of discussions for adult-use legalization. “I don’t consider this a defeat; we have taken a giant step, four years of putting such a controversial issue at the top of the public agenda, of the public debate,” Losada said. “Continuing to leave a substance that is legal in the hands of the drug traffickers...

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