Florida AG Files Challenge to Cannabis Legalization Initiative

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If successful, the proposed amendment initiative from the group Smart & Safe Florida would legalize cannabis for all adults aged 21 and up. The same year, the court also rejected a second adult-use cannabis ballot proposal in a separate decision. Medical Marijuana Legalized In 2016 In 2016, the Florida Supreme Court approved a medical marijuana legalization ballot measure that went on to garner 71% of the vote at the polls in that year’s election. We are thrilled the campaign has made this milestone and look forward to seeing this initiative on the ballot next November.” In a legal opinion filed with the Florida Supreme Court on Monday, Moody, a Republican who has been the state’s attorney general since 2019, argued that the proposed marijuana legalization ballot measure is misleading to voters.

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Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody on Monday filed a challenge to a proposed ballot measure to legalize recreational marijuana with the state Supreme Court, arguing that the initiative should not appear before voters in next year’s general election. If successful, the proposed amendment initiative from the group Smart & Safe Florida would legalize cannabis for all adults aged 21 and up. 

In a legal opinion filed with the Florida Supreme Court on Monday,...

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