How Cannabis Alters Your Perception Of Time

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Have you ever taken a dab and gotten the “wah wahs?” It’s when your head feels like a balloon and all you hear is “wah, wah, wah” and perhaps a few whooshes, like something out of a Charlie Brown cartoon. The Fresh Toast – If you have consumed, you always wonderful about it, so now here is how cannabis alters your perception of time. Here is how cannabis alters your perception of time When you crack and relax and maybe consume some marijuana, it seems times stands still. Well here is how cannabis alters your perception of time. RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors In the study, “Acute Effects of THC on Time Perception in Frequent and Infrequent Cannabis Users,” the subjective effects of cannabis on its tokers was measured using performance based, time estimation tasks.

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It can be 5 minutes or two hours when consuming, you just can’t tell.  Here is how cannabis alters your perception of time

When you crack and relax and maybe consume some marijuana, it seems times stands still. THC does play a little bit of a mind trip which accounts for some of the stereotyped “spaciness” associated with being high and keeps us in our heads (and in the moment). Why does it happen?  Well here is how cannabis alters your perception of time.

The Fresh Toast – If you have consumed, you always wonderful about it, so now here is how cannabis alters your perception of time.

Of course, as with any mind altering substance,...

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