Jail For Using Medical Marijuana To Save Your Life

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Can you imagine jail for using medical marijuana to save your life? His charges included a penalty of death, after medical marijuana saved his life. G used medical marijuana to manage the pain and have a level of recovery. RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life International pressure was placed on the country. Malaysia continues to have the harshest cannabis laws in the world, including death  for convicted marijuana dealers.

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Malaysia continues to have the harshest cannabis laws in the world, including death  for convicted marijuana dealers.

Irony is lost on bureaucrats and sometimes fairness can be skewed. This is our followup on our article about Amiruddin Nadarajan Abdullah, 64, better known as Dr. Ganja or Dr.G. It doesn’t have the best ending, but it isn’t the worst. Can you imagine jail for using medical marijuana to save your life?

After suffering for years, Dr. G used medical marijuana to manage the pain and have a level of recovery....

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