Look back: Harry Potter actor got the boot for growing bud

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The case was heard just a day after the general release of “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” in the U.K., Reuters reported at the time. It wasn’t quite the “Deathly Gallows” for former Harry Potter actor Jamie Waylett, but he still reportedly got dropped from the hit movie franchise after growing weed at his mother’s house. That’s because the actor had been nabbed for growing 10 cannabis plants in his mother’s London home. Then 20, Waylett reportedly admitted to having the cannabis grow, which the district judge described as being on a small, but sophisticated, scale. One poster argued, however, that Rogen has reportedly said movie production companies certainly wouldn’t appreciate him being stoned while on set working.

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It wasn’t quite the “Deathly Gallows” for former Harry Potter actor Jamie Waylett, but he still reportedly got dropped from the hit movie franchise after growing weed at his mother’s house.

According to MyLondon, there was a reason that Waylett, who played Vincent Crabbe, was absent during the last film of the phenomenally successful series, which is said to have raked in billions of dollars over its eight-film run.

That’s because the actor...

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