Majority of North Carolina Voters Want Recreational and Medical Cannabis

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The poll found that medical cannabis has support among 64% of North Carolina Republicans, 75% of Democrats and 78% of Independents. Neither medical nor recreational cannabis is legal in North Carolina. A bill to legalize medical cannabis in North Carolina showed some promise last summer when it won approval from the state Senate Judiciary Committee. Sixty-three percent of Democrats and 60% of Independents expressed support for recreational cannabis use, while Republicans were split on the matter. When it comes to recreational pot use, 57% of North Carolina voters said it should be legal, with only 32% saying it should remain against the law.

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Neither medical nor recreational cannabis is legal in North Carolina. Recent efforts to legalize both have mostly gone cold.

But if a poll released this week is any indication, there is no need to wait.

The latest findings from SurveyUSA showed broad support across bipartisan lines for reform to the state’s cannabis laws.

Seventy-two percent of registered voters in North Carolina said that cannabis for medical use should be made legal in the state, according to the poll, while only 18% said it should remain against the law.


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