Marijuana May Help Holiday Anxiety And Depression

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Marijuana may help holiday anxiety and depression. There has been research confirming marijuana, in the right doses, can help with anxiety, sadness and depression. A portion are using them in a low-dose form to manage stress, depression and anxiety. RELATED: 5 Things To Do If You Often Wake Up Anxious More specifically, 89,3% of all session saw significant drop-offs with depression symptoms after smoking marijuana. A Washington State study utilized a data-centric approach using human test subjects to reveal marijuana’s efficacy in treating depression, anxiety, and stress found in everyday life.

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New research utilizing a data-centric approach showed that marijuana significantly reduced the effects of these mental illnesses.

The holiday season for most people is a fun time of the year filled with turkey, celebrations, and family  and friend gatherings. Media reenforces is a merry good cheer time for everyone. But some some it is a time filled with sadness, self-reflection, loneliness, and anxiety. Marijuana may help holiday anxiety and depression.  During the holidays, 62%...

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