Men Or Women? Who Benefits More From Using Weed Before Sex?

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A new study found marijuana improves the sex lives of both men and women, but provides some extra benefits for women. Sex therapists could incorporate use of cannabis in states where it is currently legal,” argued the researchers. Responses show that most participants, regardless of age and gender, reported experiencing more pleasure and satisfaction when having sex after consuming cannabis. Most importantly, the study claims that the plant could be impactful for women, helping treat sexual dysfunctions and reducing the orgasm inequality gap. A new study adds more evidence of marijuana’s positive impact on sex.

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A new study found marijuana improves the sex lives of both men and women, but provides some extra benefits for women.

A new study adds more evidence of marijuana’s positive impact on sex. Results show that cannabis increases the odds of orgasms and makes people more likely to experience pleasure. Most importantly, the study claims that the plant could be impactful for women, helping treat sexual dysfunctions and reducing the orgasm inequality gap.

The study, published in the Journal of Cannabis Research and conducted by researchers from...

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