New Mexico Approves Cannabis Rules and Prepares for Legalization

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The rules that take effect today cover the licensing of cannabis producers—the people and businesses that grow and harvest cannabis,” the post read. “The rules include plant count limits, which are required by the Cannabis Regulation Act, as well as licensing fees. New Mexico officials have announced the arrival of cannabis producer rules, and they plan to allow interested producers to begin their applications for licenses sometime this week. The New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department announced on Facebook on August 24 that rules regarding cannabis producers have been finalized and are effective today, and that the agency will begin to accept applications sometime this week.  “Producer Rules Effective Today! Recreational cannabis sales are expected to launch by April 2022, although it is possible that they could start sooner than April if the rules are well received and not challenged in court. The Cannabis Control Division will start accepting license applications through its streamlined online system later this week.

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New Mexico officials have announced the arrival of cannabis producer rules, and they plan to allow interested producers to begin their applications for licenses sometime this week.

The New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department announced on Facebook on August 24 that rules regarding cannabis producers have been finalized and are effective today, and that the agency will begin to accept applications sometime this week. 

“Producer Rules Effective Today! The rules that take effect today cover the licensing of cannabis producers—the people and businesses that grow...

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