Oregon governor green lights pardons for 45,000 cannabis convictions

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Today, I am taking steps to right the wrongs of a flawed, inequitable, and outdated criminal justice system in Oregon when it comes to personal marijuana possession,” Brown reports. Canadian woman unable to cross the border for rolling a joint 40 years ago Will U.S. governors have to follow Joe Biden’s cannabis pardon? This week, Governor Kate Brown announced pardons for prior simple possession offences that are estimated to affect 45,000 people across the legal state of Oregon and forgive US$14 million ($18.8 million) in related fines and fees. Less than two months after U.S. President Joe Biden proclaimed thousands of people could be pardoned for federal cannabis-related offences — and urged state governors to do the same — Oregon has responded. According to Cannabis Business Times, the U.S. House’s Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Subcommittee recently hosted a bipartisan congressional hearing that heard calls to end federal cannabis prohibition.

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Less than two months after U.S. President Joe Biden proclaimed thousands of people could be pardoned for federal cannabis-related offences — and urged state governors to do the same — Oregon has responded.

This week, Governor Kate Brown announced pardons for prior simple possession offences that are estimated to affect 45,000 people across the legal state of Oregon and forgive US$14 million ($18.8 million) in related...

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