Oscar winner Jared Leto once got fired for selling weed at a movie theatre

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Per Music News, he said in 2011 that weed smell reminds him of his mother’s friends. “The smell of bonfires, and of marijuana. Unfortunately, the not-yet-award-winning actor bent towards cannabis and that got him fired from his gig at a movie theatre. The firing also likely did not sour him on cannabis, the smell of which offers Leto comfort. Jared Leto apparently had an entrepreneurial bent when he was young. Leto’s award-winning turn in the Dallas Buyers Club snagged best supporting Oscar, Golden Globe and Screen Actors Guild top nods.

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Jared Leto apparently had an entrepreneurial bent when he was young. Unfortunately, the not-yet-award-winning actor bent towards cannabis and that got him fired from his gig at a movie theatre.

During an episode of Ellen DeGeneres’ talk show this week, 49-year-old Leto let it be known that he used to sell bud from the back door of the theater, according to the New York Post. He got found out, though, and was fired for his weedy wrongdoing.

DeGeneres joked, “You were hustling. Trying to sell popcorn and weed at the same time. What’s...

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