Report on Trucking, Cannabis Finds Most Drivers Support Testing Reform

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Driver Shortage and Cannabis Legalization The ATRI released its first research publication on the impact of cannabis legalization on the trucking industry in 2019. Most carriers (62%) said that changes in federal drug testing policy are needed and that a cannabis impairment test should replace a cannabis use test (65.4%). The impacts of cannabis legalization on the trucking industry, namely the recent decline in drivers due to strict rules on drug use on drug testing, are already well-documented. According to the report and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, more than half of all positive trucking industry drug tests are for cannabis metabolite. Should a driver test positive, they are removed from the industry until they complete a series of remedial steps.

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The impacts of cannabis legalization on the trucking industry, namely the recent decline in drivers due to strict rules on drug use on drug testing, are already well-documented. However, a new report from the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) dives in even further.

The report titled, “Impacts of Marijuana Legalization on the Trucking Industry” takes a...

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