Researchers say cannabis use may be linked to heart disease

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A large study by researchers from Stanford Medicine suggests there is a correlation between smoking cannabis and a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. It was this group that had a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, even when taking into account age, gender and body mass indexes, investigators found. But investigators further found, as part of a mice study, that use of a molecule called genistein, found in soybeans, may counteract marijuana’s effects. This influence is not only limited to smoking cannabis — where the smoke affects people’s cardiovascular systems like smoking tobacco does — studies have shown that consuming cannabis in all forms is harmful to the heart. Additionally, researchers conducted a variety of tests on human cells in a lab and on mice, finding that THC promotes inflammation in both groups, something that increases the odds of heart disease.

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A large study by researchers from Stanford Medicine suggests there is a correlation between smoking cannabis and a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.

But investigators further found, as part of a mice study, that use of a molecule called genistein, found in soybeans, may counteract marijuana’s effects.

Per the study, published in Cell magazine, cannabis’s THC causes inflammation in cells located in blood vessels and atherosclerosis in laboratory mice.


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