This is why more people are smoking weed than cigarettes

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While this officially surpasses cigarette smokers, the increase was only a few percent from the year previous. That translates to a 30 per cent decrease in smokers right there, suggesting quitting is the new smoking. The rate of people no longer smoking is decreasing much faster than the increased rate of people taking up cannabis. This, combined with more states legalizing weed and dispensaries opening up only, continues to normalize acceptance and interest in cannabis. People are quitting One of the main reasons that the number of marijuana smokers has surpassed cigarette smokers is that more of the latter are quitting and fewer people are starting up.

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It appears as though the days of the Marlboro Man are numbered as the rise of the cannabis smoker has begun to eclipse big tobacco in the U.S.

A recent Gallup poll and its data indicate there are more marijuana smokers in the country than cigarette smokers. Times, they are a changin’.

This dramatic yet consistent drop in cigarette smokers over time, combined with a slow and steady rise in cannabis users, has brought the U.S. to a very interesting crossroad. Tobacco, a product that is legal in every U.S. state, is less popular...

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