U.S. cannabis pardon certificates in as little as 10 minutes?

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In early October, President Joe Biden announced he would pardon individuals convicted of simple cannabis possession in breach of the Controlled Substances Act. The U.S. Department of Justice is looking to speed up the pardons process by soon launching a way to apply that should take only about 10 minutes. Canadian man forgets he has a bottle of CBD in his car, gets banned from the U.S. for life Oregon governor green lights pardons for 45,000 cannabis convictions Will U.S. governors have to follow Joe Biden’s cannabis pardon? The president also encouraged governors to also offer pardons for state-level offences. In a Presidential proclamation, Biden declared “a full, complete, and unconditional pardon to all current United States citizens and lawful permanent residents,” which was estimated at the time would affect about 6,000 people.

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The U.S. Department of Justice is looking to speed up the pardons process by soon launching a way to apply that should take only about 10 minutes.

According to Marijuana Moment, pardon Attorney Elizabeth Oyer said this week during a panel discussion hosted...

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