U.S. pediatric exposures to cannabis edibles increase 1,375%

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Looking at the 2017-2021 period, researchers out of Chicago note reported cases of cannabis edibles exposures among children under 6 ballooned from 207 to 3,054, a whopping 1,375 per cent. The significant jump is a concern to those in the pediatric community since cannabis edibles can be perceived by young children as just another tasty snack. With 7,043 reported exposures over the five-year period, the 2021 tally accounts for 43 per cent of them. Overall, children aged 5 and under accounted for 41.6 per cent of all human poison exposures reported in 2020, the U.S. study notes. “The increase in number of cannabis edible cases was not due to an increase in overall pediatric cases reported for all substances,” one study author, Dr. Most edibles exposures in the home Analyzing data from the National Poison Data System, researchers considered toxicity, medical outcome and health care utilization by young children ingesting weed edibles, as well as changes in acute toxicity during pre-COVID years (2017-2019) and COVID years (2020-2021).

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The number of children aged five and younger who have been exposed to cannabis edibles, mostly in the home, has exploded in recent years, a hike that U.S. investigators say signals an opportunity to bolster education and prevention.

Looking at the 2017-2021 period, researchers out of Chicago note reported cases of cannabis edibles exposures among children under 6 ballooned from 207 to 3,054, a whopping 1,375 per cent. With 7,043 reported exposures over the five-year period, the 2021 tally accounts for 43 per cent of them.


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