Washington To Do Away With 37% Medical Cannabis Tax

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Lawmakers in Washington State “recently passed a bill granting an exemption from the 37% excise tax for medical marijuana patients and designated providers,” according to Forbes. Medical cannabis is often the only effective treatment that allows them to function and improve their quality of life. It also goes against the principle of harm reduction, which is one basis of medical cannabis legalization policy.” The bill will now head to the desk of Democratic Gov. Primarily, medical cannabis is not recreational or a luxury, but a necessity for many people who suffer from chronic pain, epilepsy, PTSD, and other conditions. Medical cannabis patients and providers must already jump through additional regulatory hoops to stay compliant with the LCB and the DOH and the imposition of additional taxes only exacerbates this hardship.

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Lawmakers in Washington State “recently passed a bill granting an exemption from the 37% excise tax for medical marijuana patients and designated providers,” according to Forbes.

The passage of the measure eliminates  what has been characterized as “one of the highest tax rates imposed on medical marijuana products.” 

The bill, HB 1453, was originally introduced...

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