Alberta company launches cannabis suppository products for both medical patients and adult-use markets

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While the potential market for cannabis suppositories may be big, Canada seems to have been slow to get related products on store shelves. Prairie Grass suggests many individuals “are in search of holistic options for relief,” which the company notes the cannabis suppositories are intended to support. An Alberta-based licensed producer claims it’s the first company to make a cannabis suppository available to medical patients across Canada through its partnership with member site Shelter Market. Project CBD, a California-based non-profit dedicated to promoting and publicizing research into the medical uses of CBD, notes that clinical research on cannabis suppositories remains limited. Both Thomson and Penner believe that “suppositories are an overlooked delivery mechanism for providing effective, targeted pain relief,” the statement notes.

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An Alberta-based licensed producer claims it’s the first company to make a cannabis suppository available to medical patients across Canada through its partnership with member site Shelter Market.

Prairie Grass Inc., the founding sisters of which grew up on a family farm spanning four generations of regenerative and sustainable farming, is offering two formulations.

The “Relief Pods” produced from a “Bruce Banner” cultivar grown in the company’s facility provide 10 mg THC, while “Eve Pods” have 40 mg CBD and are made from Prairie Grass’ outdoor...

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