CBD, Pregnancy And Breastfeeding

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RELATED: Cannabis Usage During Pregnancy And Breastfeeding: The Impact It Can Have On Newborns For starters, nausea during pregnancy can become debilitating for some. Using CBD While Pregnant or Breastfeeding As noted by What to Expect, it is difficult to determine if CBD use is OK during pregnancy or while breastfeeding because research has largely focused on marijuana and THC and its effect on fetal development and infant development while breastfeeding. Marijuana isn’t largely accepted as safe for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Additionally, when used during pregnancy, marijuana may negatively affect uterine blood flow, according to Pediatrics. For these women, CBD may offer some relief due to its ability to decrease vomiting and nausea.

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The general consensus is that using cannabis during pregnancy could be dangerous and that, without more research, it isn’t worth the risk.

Marijuana isn’t largely accepted as safe for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. There is research that indicates that THC transfers to breast milk and may affect infant development. Additionally, when used during pregnancy, marijuana may negatively affect uterine blood flow, according to Pediatrics.


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