Despite cannabis ban in Indonesia, one province skirting rules with a bud-infused beverage

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Even pro-pot politicians face reactions that range from skepticism to horror at proposed plans to legalize or decriminalize cannabis. Last month, an Aceh legislator suggested legalizing the drug so the country could turn a profit exporting the crop for medical use. Subscribe to the Cannabis Post newsletter for weekly insights into the industry, what insiders will be talking about and content from across the Postmedia Network. Indonesia’s conservative Aceh province, where alcohol consumption and pubic displays of affection can earn a person a flogging, is not somewhere travellers or locals want to be caught with illicit substances of any kind. Before the 1970s, residents would grow it in their gardens and the drug was publicly sold without issue.

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Indonesia’s conservative Aceh province, where alcohol consumption and pubic displays of affection can earn a person a flogging, is not somewhere travellers or locals want to be caught with illicit substances of any kind.

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