Does cannabis decriminalization lead to more car accidents?

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That said, a study conducted in Canada tried to get some answers, bringing in insurance actuaries to figure out whether or not cannabis reform results in more road accidents. As is usually the case, more research is necessary to have a more accurate picture of cannabis and its potential impact on driving. Cannabis intoxication and driving is a major issue that weed faces upon legalization. Authors concluded that marijuana decriminalization wasn’t responsible for more traffic accidents. The more experienced the weed user, the less likely it was for that person to get involved in an accident.

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Cannabis intoxication and driving is a major issue that weed faces upon legalization. That’s likely because there’s still no accurate way to quantify just when a person is too high to drive and how to obtain related data.

That said, a study conducted in Canada tried to get some answers, bringing in insurance actuaries to figure out whether or not cannabis reform results in more road accidents.

The report was conducted by the Canadian Institute of Actuaries...

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