
Florida man driving stolen vehicle busted for bud
A Florida man recently managed to make stealing a vehicle even worse by stuffing it with illegal cannabis and then getting spotted by police. According to NBC 2, an officer with the Fort Meyers Police Department and his K-9...
The Growth Op
Irish Lawmaker Files Cannabis Legalization Bill
An Irish lawmaker last week introduced a bill to legalize the possession of small amounts of cannabis for personal use. The legislation was introduced on Thursday by Gino Kenny, a lawmaker known as a Teachta Dála (TD) and...
High Times
Private sector takes over cannabis retail in Yukon
The Yukon Liquor Corporation’s Cannabis Yukon website has bowed out of selling cannabis products to citizens in the territory, completing its plan to leave marijuana e-commerce to private licensees. The website will now...
The Growth Op
Five fall foods that go great with cannabis
Autumn is a time for cozying up to a fire, admiring the leaves as they change colour, and also a time for switching it up in the kitchen. Light summer fare seems to give way to hearty and festive fall meals each year as the...
The Growth Op
New Poll Shows 9 Out Of 10 Americans Support Legal Pot
A new poll released on Tuesday shows that nearly nine out of 10 Americans believe that cannabis should be legal in some form, with a strong majority saying that recreational marijuana should be legalized for adults. The survey,...
High Times
Iowa Democrats Introduce Bill To Legalize Pot
Democratic lawmakers in Iowa on Tuesday introduced legislation that would legalize adult-use marijuana in the state and pave the way for a regulated cannabis market.  “We’ve listened to Iowans and heard from people of...
High Times
Arkansas Voters Reject Adult-Use Cannabis Bill
Voters Tuesday rejected Issue 4, a measure that would have legalized adult-use cannabis, to the dismay of Arkansas cannabis advocates who worked hard to push the bill forward.  Led by Responsible Growth Arkansas, advocates...
High Times
Is using cannabis in front of children harmful or not?
The story was first published on  October 17, 2019 Public health agencies are warning parents about using cannabis in the presence of their children. However, parents who use cannabis say that it makes them more empathetic,...
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