Magic Dragon company name leaves state Cannabis Control Commission huffing and puffing

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But in Worcestor, Mass, one cannabis business licence applicant has been warned its fantastical name may be running afoul of state regulations. Massachusetts’ Cannabis Control Commission (CCC) prohibits cannabis dispensaries from using images of cannabis or cannabis paraphernalia that could appeal to individuals under the age of 21, medical symbols or colloquial references to the drug from being used in the logo and/or name of a cannabis-related business. Subscribe to the Cannabis Post newsletter for weekly insights into the industry, what insiders will be talking about and content from across the Postmedia Network. Want to keep up to date on what’s happening in the world of cannabis? In the case of Magic Dragon, the CCC commissioners were not amused. “I have serious concerns with the name of this entity,” commissioner Jennifer Flanagan said. “It appeals to children.” Several other commissioners mentioned “Puff, the Magic Dragon,” as in the 1960s folk song, which has been speculated to be a semi-veiled reference to cannabis.

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Many cannabis consumers enjoy their weed with a dash of whimsy. But in Worcestor, Mass, one cannabis business licence applicant has been warned its fantastical name may be running afoul of state regulations.

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