Medical Marijuana

Georgia and Marijuana
  Georgia has been a focus of the news lately. It seems all the media organizations and both political parties are talking about the Peach state non-stop.  And if there is a publicized trial, there will be even more focus...
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No Need To Get High To Benefit From THC
As science delves deeper into the cannabis plant more medical properties are revealed. Historical, the plant has been used for medicine in a variety of cultural, but through research has only started in the past generation....
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Medical Marijuana Might Help Cancer Pain
Cannabis research powerhouse Israel produces more cancer and medical marijuana data   Cannabis can not cure cancer, but it can help in a variety of ways including pain, neuropathy, nausea, appetite and more.  But for day...
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Cannabis on the Titanic? Most Likely!
The Titanic continues to stay in the news and in public’s mind. Departing England, the largest unsinkable ship was filled with the celebrities of the day including Astors, a Guggenheim, a Countess, art, fabulous jewels,...
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Is It Safe To Smoke Weed Daily
If you wondering if you are doing anything to much, it might be time to pause and think While there is a phrase too much of a good thing, most people don’t overdo. But if you are wondering if you are overusing anything,...
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Are Marijuana Gummies Good For Stress
Sometimes, people need a little help to manage stress, can cannabis help Everyone experiences stress, and sometimes that stress can feel overwhelming. You may be at risk for an anxiety disorder if it feels like you can’t...
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Science Discovered A Like Moment To A Marijuana High
  Science has proven cannabis is better than alcohol.  More research is being done to unlock the potential for medical help. Medical marijuana is as helpful as addictive opioids, it can bring down anxiety and is a boon...
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Which Do You Need, CBD Extract Or CBD With THC
While CBD is a major player in treating an illness like severe seizures, it’s really an entourage effect makes the compound work. Ever since the 2018 Farm Bill passed in the U.S., CBD has been a hot topic, to say the least....
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Nauseous? Marijuana Might Provide Immediate Relief
Summer upends our schedules with late night sunset suppers, spicy food, walks in the and more – but does your stomach pay a price? It is the time of year from vacations, boating, garden and all sorts of fun – but some...
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Road Rash And Marijuana Are Not A Good Match
  Over 2 million Americans and Canadians are injured each year from popular summertime activities, according to hospital tracking data from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Everyone wants to head out and try...
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Seniors Want To Try Marijuana For Pain
Older adults who deserve to have every comfort at this last stage of their lives are conditioned by their experience many years ago to remain silent, even in an epidemic of chronic pain. The misconceptions about cannabis...
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Does A CBD Soak Help Sore Muscles
Athletes swear by ice baths and heating pads for managing muscle pain after the workout is over, but more recently CBD oil might also help Whether you’ve just upped the intensity of your workout or started a new program,...
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The Research About Fibromyalgia And Cannabis
Even though pharmaceutical drugs and OTC pain-relievers are typically used to help manage fibromyalgia, cannabinoids like CBD and THC are being considered more now than ever before. If you had to guess, how many people in...
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What Does Buddhism Think Of Marijuana?
Marijuana is seen as a tool toward enlightenment, but what does Buddhism actually say about it? Buddhism is not the most popular religion in North American with less 1 percent self identifying, but its ideas permeates our...
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Can Cannabis Help Seasonal Depression
Ultimately, seasonal affective disorder can set in as quickly and seamlessly as the fall foliage on the trees outside.   The weather and foliage on the trees aren’t the only things that are changing around this time of...
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Marijuana Hacks For The Average User
Do you already know your way around a bong? Are you returning to marijuana after a lengthy break and seeking some pointers? Here are marijuana hacks for the average user, the cannabis enthusiast who enjoys getting high but...
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Do You Get High On Medical Marijuana?
With 40 states legalizing medical marijuana and the American Medical Association seeing value in the plant as an aid, more people are using it in their medical help tool box.  Medical marijuana has shown it can help with...
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What To Know About CBD And OCD
Early studies suggest CBD could be a helpful tool for managing the symptoms of OCD.   The Big Bang Theory’s Sheldon displays textbook symptoms of OCD, truly helping people understand the issue. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder...
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Breast Implants And Marijuana
While marijuana is typically advised against before surgery, many doctors and surgeons are speaking out about its effects for after-care.  Breast implants are still a booming business. As one of the most popular surgeries,...
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Can CBD or THC Help With A Toothache?
A pain in the mouth can wreck a day, a night’s sleep and keep you from eating – can CBD or THC can help? A smile can make someone’s day but a toothache can ruin a night’s sleep. More than 40% of adults experience...
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Alcohol Helping The Marijuana Industry!
  Have cannabis leaders, working hard on federal legalization, found a powerful ally?  Is alcohol helping marijuana industry?  On March 22, 2023, the Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America (WSWA) sent a letter to Congress...
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Can My Pet Use My Medical Marijuana or CBD?
My pet is like my child, is it ok to share my medicine with them, but just in smaller doses? In the history of medicine, men of have been the key factor and up until the 1980s women and kids were just seen as little men in...
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Treating Multiple Sclerosis With Marijuana
Researchers have come a long way in understanding THC and CBD’s effects on other MS symptoms besides tremors, such as pain and sleeplessness. More than two million people worldwide currently have a diagnosis of Multiple...
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Does Frequent Male Marijuana Use Impact Pregnancy
When examining miscarriages related to regular marijuana use, researchers found they typically happened within eight weeks of conception. A new study suggests men intending to conceive a child with their partner should reconsider...
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Can Cannabis Help My Obsessive Thinking
We don’t have all the facts on using cannabis to treat anxiety, obsessive thoughts, and obsessive-compulsive disorders. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it a try, however. If you deal with anxiety, you’ve probably...
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Is THCa A Medical Solution That Can Help You?
Cannabis has been around for thousands of years helping man with a variety of issues. Yes, there hasn’t been enough research to fully unlock all the potential of the plant. While marijuana is a “fun” plant allowing...
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CBD, Pregnancy And Breastfeeding
The general consensus is that using cannabis during pregnancy could be dangerous and that, without more research, it isn’t worth the risk. Marijuana isn’t largely accepted as safe for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding....
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Worlds Largest Marijuana Dispensary Rocks Vegas Tourists!
Vegas has been home to everyone from Elvis to Celine to showgirls on the street….millions flock to see it all.  And now the biggest marijuana store is getting even larger! Since 1931 when Nevada legalized casino gambling...
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Restless Leg Syndrome And Marijuana
Even though there’s currently no cure, there are natural treatment methods available like cannabis and cannabidiol that can help alleviate many RLS symptoms. What would you do if you felt a consistent tingling, itching,...
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Marijuana Cannabinoids And Kidney Disease
Although there are different diseases and medical conditions that take people’s lives, in the US kidney disease is the ninth leading cause of death. It’s also estimated that 31 million Americans (10 percent of the US...
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How Marijuana Helps With Constipation
A new study found the prevalence of constipation was lower for those who recently consumed marijuana compared to those who had never used. If you’re struggling with consistent healthy bowel movements, you might want to...
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How Cannabis Helps Treat Head Injuries
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the leading causes of death worldwide in individuals under the age of 45. Triggered by concussions from car accidents, falls, violent contact sports, explosives or by gunshot and stab...
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