Mitch McConnell mocks Nancy Pelosi over cannabis claims as relief bill languishes in Senate

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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell isn’t buying Nancy Pelosi’s recent cannabis comments as Democrats and Republicans remain at odds over a badly needed coronavirus relief package. Somehow, McConnell and others have taken the remark to mean that Pelosi believes the drug can counter the effects COVID-19. The latest round of relief legislation tabled in Senate did not include the cannabis provisions and failed to gain enough support to pass the chamber. Speaker Pelosi is still holding up this entire package over bizarre unrelated things like carveouts for the marijuana industry. Subscribe to the Cannabis Post newsletter for weekly insights into the industry, what insiders will be talking about and content from across the Postmedia Network.

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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell isn’t buying Nancy Pelosi’s recent cannabis comments as Democrats and Republicans remain at odds over a badly needed coronavirus relief package.

The House speaker has made clear her interest in including cannabis banking reform in the latest stimulus package and has said that weed “is a therapy that has proven successful,” according to Marijuana Moment. Somehow, McConnell and others have taken the remark to mean that Pelosi believes the drug can counter the effects...

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