OPINION: Let artisanal cannabis growers replace black market with home-grown

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Of course, small growers cannot supply the mass market, just as homebrewers cannot replace the other Bud. Aside from the fact that I have a lot of friends who are growers, it is counterproductive to leave these good people behind in the black market. Small growers will continue to be major targets for the narcs. An excellent article in Forbes about the pending legalization of cannabis in New York State points out a common failing in various state legalization laws. After real decriminalization that stops arresting cannabis users, even if they aren’t white, the primary objective of legalization should be to take marijuana out of the black market with hard drugs.

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An excellent article in Forbes about the pending legalization of cannabis in New York State points out a common failing in various state legalization laws.

I have been very critical of most state legalization policies because of their excessive taxes and “regulations” that raise costs and barriers to entry that make legal products more expensive than black market products.

After real decriminalization that stops arresting cannabis users, even if they aren’t white, the primary...

Read the full article @ The Growth Op