Weed-using entrepreneurs find the plant both helps and hurts creativity

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Mind Medicine announces study evaluating effects of microdosing LSD Cannabis use after work doesn’t affect productivity — new research Does cannabis enhance the art experience? Although ideas — not individuals — were the focus of the current study, research published in 2017 tested whether users’ personalities or cannabis itself positively affected creativity. The divide between creativity and feasibility compared to non-users “only surfaced for entrepreneurs who reported relatively strong passion for exploring new business ideas,” the WSU reports. “The effect was absent for cannabis-using entrepreneurs with experience founding more than one business,” it points out. Each entrepreneur chose his or her best idea and its originality and feasibility were rated by a panel of experts. It’s a mix of good and bad when it comes to how weed might help entrepreneurs come up with creative and feasible business ideas, although seasoned business players with less “out-there” thoughts seem to experience fewer ups and downs.

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It’s a mix of good and bad when it comes to how weed might help entrepreneurs come up with creative and feasible business ideas, although seasoned business players with less “out-there” thoughts seem to experience fewer ups and downs.

Appearing in the Journal of Business Venturing, new research out of Washington State University (WSU) suggests that weed use “may have some benefits in the early brainstorming stages of the venture ideation process,” but it remains key to ground creativity in reality to successfully launch a new company.

Researchers considered feedback from 254 entrepreneurs who “completed a new venture ideation...

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