Worm farm sets sights on adding weed waste to worm food menu

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Once you dig down into it, you’ll see where the worms are actually doing their work of eating,” he noted. Fishing for the future: Canadian professor gets noticed for growing cannabis inside microalgae The best fertilizer to grow cannabis? Subscribe to the Cannabis Post newsletter for weekly insights into the industry, what insiders will be talking about and content from across the Postmedia Network. An Oklahoma business has come up with what it sees as a creative and ecologically friendly way to dispose of unsaleable medical cannabis: let the worms have at it. Want to keep up to date on what’s happening in the world of cannabis?

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Waste not, want not.

An Oklahoma business has come up with what it sees as a creative and ecologically friendly way to dispose of unsaleable medical cannabis: let the worms have at it.

Fishing for the future: Canadian professor gets noticed for growing cannabis inside microalgae The...

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