
Smoking weed once was enough for Babs
Cannabis is not really Barbra Streisand’s thing. That may be why the Oscar winner, who also counts multiple Grammys and Grammy Hall of Fame and Lifetime Achievements nods to her list of accomplishments, only tried it once. Or...
The Growth Op
Paul McCartney has a hidden hemp grow
Sir Paul McCartney has gotten into organic farming. The Beatles bassist told the River Cafe Table 4 podcast that he grows spelt wheat, rye and peas at his English estate, as well as hops and hemp. The hemp remains hidden,...
The Growth Op
Nine celebs cashing in on cannabis
Legally speaking, cannabis has slowly been making progress, helping to shift the cultural perspective so much so that it seems celebrities openly embracing the drug could be the norm. But that may not be the case overall. Despite...
The Growth Op
NHL Legend Mark Messier teams up with CBD water company
Six-time Stanley Cup champion Mark Messier knows plenty about sweat, no surprise given he was nicknamed “The Moose” for his considerable strength and aggressiveness on the ice. So it likely also comes as no surprise that...
The Growth Op
Seth Rogen spreads his love of weed south of the border
Everyone in Canada — well, everyone everywhere — who’s ever heard of Canadian treasure and cannabis connoisseur Seth Rogen knows the man adores weed. “If you know anything about me at all, I’m going to assume that...
The Growth Op