How to safely buy weed in the time of the coronavirus

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In the age of COVID-19, cannabis has become an essential item Can I still go to the weed store? Although there are plenty of tips available for safe cannabis consumption in the time of the coronavirus, questions abound about the best way to go about bolstering one’s stash amid the global pandemic. Is weed pickup and delivery risky when it comes to COVID-19? Is it safe to smoke weed on my way home from the pot shop or on other necessary errands? Does social distancing preclude consumers from visiting weed stores, and if not, should they wear masks?

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Although there are plenty of tips available for safe cannabis consumption in the time of the coronavirus, questions abound about the best way to go about bolstering one’s stash amid the global pandemic.

Does social distancing preclude consumers from visiting weed stores, and if not, should they wear masks? Should consumers be stocking up on herb as if the world is ending?

The following tips apply to individuals who are currently healthy. If a person is experiencing flu-like symptoms, has recently...

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